5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness

Mindful Flow - Stress Relief & Healthy Sleep - Yoga, Pilates, Pranayama & Rest | Online
with Heather Van Dalfsen


October 17 (Monday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Zoom 1 (office)

Mindful Flow - Stress Relief & Healthy Sleep - Yoga, Pilates, Breath Practice & Rest
Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30 PM + 5 Day Video Access
with Heather Van Dalfsen, Certified Yoga Therapist, Yoga and Pilates Teacher

As we 'move in' from our Rib Mountain outdoor class, we'll use the 5 Koshas In-Studio & Online practice space options to cycle through stress then practice relaxation and preparation for sleep. 

The first half of the practice we'll integrate Yoga and Pilates postures, exercises and flows to have some fun cycling stress through body, mind and emotions. The practice will invite you to reconnect to your strength, the ability to focus on the task at hand and pause in appreciation for yourself. 

The second half of the practice will share accessible strategies of nourishing postures that can support preparation for pranayama, guided relaxation and rest. 

Each practice offers strategies which can assist in understanding & sensing nervous system shifts. With this information you can decide what strategies support your short, daily practice habit so you can continue to cycle stress through, explore relaxation, rest and healthy sleep patterns. 

It's a solid hour of self-care that invites you to be curious, to learn and give yourself the opportunity to re-center body, nervous system, mind and emotions. 

A video recording will be available in the Content Library for everyone on the class roster for 5 days following the class. 

Email Heather at [email protected] to continue dialogue or share questions. 


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