5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness

Mindful Meditation Based Stress Reduction | Hybrid 8-Week Series
with Lisa Stein


November 27 (Wednesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
150 minutes

Mountain Studio

Series Welcome Online Orientation: Wednesday, September 25 | 6:30-7:30 PM 
Series Hybrid Dates:  Wednesday, October 2nd - November 6th & Wednesday, December 4th - December 11th | 6:30-9 PM 
Day-long retreat on Saturday, November 9th | 11 AM - 6 PM
No classes on Wednesday, November 13th, November 20th or November 27th
With Lisa Stein,  Coach of Presence-Based Coaching, RYT-200 &  Mindful-Based Stress Reduction Teacher In Training

Are you interested in learning how Mindfulness can benefit you? Is managing stress causing illness, sleeplessness, and reduced alertness? Do you desire a natural way to feel less anxious in your daily life? 

Mindfulness is often spoken of as the heart of Buddhist meditation. It's not about Buddhism, but about paying attention. That's what all meditation is, no matter what tradition or particular technique is used.

This course is designed to introduce mindfulness meditation as a way of reducing stress, and developing greater balance, ease and fuller participation in your life. Mindfulness is a way of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life including the challenges of stress, pain, illness, change, and everyday demands.

What is Mindfulness Meditation?
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based program, developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979 and offered at UW Health since 1993. MBSR training entails 28 hours of instruction, through weekly group meetings (2.5-hour classes) and one daylong weekend session. The course includes guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching, mindful yoga, inquiry and application into experiences of daily living, group dialogue, home assignments and audio recordings.

What is required?
  • A willingness and commitment to take time for yourself each day through a gentle and challenging home practice of meditation and its application in your daily life.
  • Class attendance. Each class includes guided meditation experiences as well as time for reflection and dialogue in a supportive and relaxed environment.
Potential benefits?
  • A greater appreciation for life and an increased ability to cope effectively with stressors and concerns
  • Decreases in both physical and psychological symptoms
  • Improvements in energy and enthusiasm for life
  • Increase self-compassion
What is included in the registration fee? 
  • Guide including weekly handouts, practices, and exercises to support your practice
  • Online recordings of guided practice sessions to use daily
  • Day-long retreat to support integration of new skills
Registration: $150 for the entire Hybrid 8-Week Series: Wednesday, October 2nd - December 11th. As well as the Weekend Workshop scheduled on Saturday, November 9th 11AM - 6PM.  Are you a frontline worker? One Frontline Worker Scholarship will be available to help cover your attendance. Please email [email protected] to apply!

Registration Questions? Email The 5 Koshas Team at [email protected] 
Class Series Questions? Email Lisa at [email protected]

More About Your Program Facilitator: Lisa Stein 
Lisa has been an educator for 25 years and has recently retired from full-time work. She has worked as an Instructional Coach in Wisconsin public school districts and served as a statewide coach for the Wisconsin Center for Resilient Schools and the Department of Public Instruction. Lisa excels at developing community connections and focuses on wellness and resilience in daily living. She is a certified Coach of Presence-Based Coaching, a Yoga Instructor (RYT-200), and teaches Mindful-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). When not working she gardens, reads, and enjoys traveling with her partner. 


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