5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness

Guided Meditation: All You Need Is Love| Hybrid 2-Part Series
with Amanda Greene


March 18 (Tuesday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Mountain Studio

Guided Meditation: All You Need Is Love| Hybrid 2-Part Series
Tuesday, February 18th & Tuesday, March 4th | 4-5:15 PM
with Amanda Greene, Certified Meditation Teacher
at 5 Koshas Yoga & Wellness in Mountain Studio & Online via Zoom
Class Video Content offers 7 Day Video Access!

Are you ready to understand love on a whole new level? 

Dive deeper into your heart to better understand self-love and learn how your unconscious may sabotage love for ourselves and in our relationships.  Look into the past to discover your attachment styles and how that affects every relationship you form in life with everyone, especially romantic relationships. This heart journey will teach you about heart walls and how to bring those walls down enough to open yourself to feeling love like you never have before.

Gain insight and awareness into understanding love between 2 people and the natural roles we play. Tap into the energy of the divine masculine and divine feminine to really understand how we need to feel love.

Explore the shadow self and making ourselves whole, the power the heart actually has on our physical world, opening the heart space, how to know it’s true love and ways to grow in love.  Learn the difference between love, a soulmate, and a twin flame.

Become aware of what real love should be and how it naturally flows in a healthy way.  Walk away from this class with a heart full of love and gratitude. This deeper awareness will set you on a path to integrate unconditional love into yourself and others filled with peace, healing, and contentment.

Each class will include time for learning, time for reflection and discussion. 
  • The guided meditation will integrate the class topics into your deeper awareness, awakening within yourself more truth about love and how you’ve experienced and gave love in your life. 
  • In meditation, I will use basic breathing techniques, as well as visualization, sensing and feeling to guide you into the insight that you need to awaken your heart and move past anything that’s been keeping you restricted from experiencing healthy unconditional love.
What will you need? A Journal and writing utensil for taking notes if you want to.  An open mind without this you may unconsciously reject information or being able to access a deeper understanding within yourself

Notice to students: This is a safe space full of compassion and understanding. Please take note that in these moments you take for opening your awareness, it’s possible for emotions to get triggered, or that you feel like you didn’t make the progress you expected. Whatever the outcome, know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be and that there is no right or wrong way for anything in this life.

Price: Use your monthly membership, class pass or single drop-in.  Are you a Frontline Worker in Wisconsin? Email [email protected] to receive a full scholarship to attend this series!

Class Questions? Email Amanda at [email protected]
Registration Questions? Email [email protected] 

Please note:  Purchases are final and no refunds will be processed; unless 5 Koshas and / or the event presenter cancels the event for any reason, refunds will be promptly distributed or a rescheduled date will be offered. We appreciate your understanding!


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