5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness

(5Day) Group Meditation to Cultivate Compassion & Peace
with Heather Van Dalfsen


December 8 (Tuesday)
at 4:15 pm

Class length
45 minutes

Zoom 1 (office)

Online: Guided Group Meditation to Cultivate Compassion and Peace

Tuesdays | 4:15 - 5:05 PM | Online

with Heather Van Dalfsen, MEd, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT
Certified Yoga Therapist and Yoga Teacher

Enter this class with curiosity & kindness to cultivate a group intention of compassion and peace for yourself and others.

This will be a short yet sweet integrated practice of yoga strategies – movement, breath, mantra & pranayama, to support your ease into seated meditation. May you find your time within this practice support your physical, vital, mental, emotional & spiritual health.

Explore & Practice:
  • 2-4 movements/postures to unravel knots of physical tension
  • An awareness of your breath to guide you through your practice
  • A mantra that you can use silently or sing – one example: ‘Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti’
  • A short pranayama (seated breath practice)
  • A short guided meditation & quiet meditation
Use your regular yoga pass, unlimited autopay membership or $17 drop-in


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