5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness

Meditative Concert in the Park with Tri~Shanti
with Jay Coldwell

July 16 (Friday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Marathon Park Bandstand

Meet us at the bandstand in Marathon Park
Friday, July 16 | 7:00 PM

Join us at the bandstand in beautiful Marathon Park for a meditative concert of songs of peace for the earth and all beings. Most of the songs will be in Sanskrit, an ancient language which has been polished over millennia to help us connect body, mind and spirit.

These songs are either call and response or sing-along -- so come ready to lend your own voice, and experience the joy of singing together. Or feel free to listen and absorb the vibrations. We will provide lyrics and translations for all the songs to help you sing along and to meditate on the intention for each song.

You may have heard the three of us sing (pre-Covid) at 5 Koshas Yoga. We are happy to have this outdoor venue at a time when the pandemic is not very active locally. We have just chosen a name for our group: Tri~Shanti, meaning three immersed in peace. When we sing "Om shanti, shanti, shantihi", that means peace in myself, peace with others, and peace in the cosmos.

We are:
Debby Krenz, musician and teacher of music.
Allison Zopel, Jazz singer, Wausau native currently residing in Asheville, NC. July 16 is Allison's birthday, so bring some birthday wishes! Allison has just released a new CD called Om Shanti, mastered by Hans Christian, who also performs on the album. You can get a preview of much of the music we will perform here: https://allisonzopel.bandcamp.com/album/om-shanti
Jay Coldwell, partner at 5 Koshas


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