5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness
Welcome to 5 Koshas Yoga and Wellness! 
We offer a variety of classes: Hybrid (In-Studio and Online), Online & Pre-Recorded. All classes are live-time Hybrid or Online except those marked as Video-On-Demand or Pre-Recorded. Most Hybrid & Online classes offer 5 day video access! Videos are posted within 2-3 days of the class date with the 5 day access beginning on the date it is uploaded. You'll receive an email notification. Check the class description for more details. 

Register for Weekly Classes on the Class Schedule below or Click on Calendar. Select Class & Click Reserve My Spot. You'll receive an email confirmation at the time of registration. When registering for Hybrid classes, you will receive an email reminder with a Zoom meeting link. If you plan to attend In-Studio, please come in! 

Register for Events Here & Video-On-Demand Series Here 

Friendly & Kind Studio Policy Reminders: 
  • Pre-Register: You must pre-register for classes ahead of time before attending. 

  • Class Registration Cancelation: Please cancel your class registration before the class time. There will be a charge to your class pass if your registration isn't cancelled before class. If you are on a class roster that offers a video recording, you'll receive access to the video content for 5 days. 

  • Refunds: Purchases are final and no refunds will be processed; unless 5 Koshas and/or the Class Teacher cancels the class for any reason, refunds will be promptly disturbed or a rescheduled date will be offered. 
We appreciate your understanding! Questions? Email [email protected]
No class found for the selected class and location.
18 Sat
January 18
9:00 am
Dynamic Synergy Fitness | In-Studio
Mountain Studio
Cheryl Jaworksi